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Old 03-20-2015, 07:21 AM   #6
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Стражи Садов Кадеша

Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Great Nebula
Posts: 2,530
Re: Патчи и обновления

Там, кстати, часть обновлений забыли указать. Увидеть их можно здесь.

- Fixed getting stuck trying to skip NISs during fade to black
- Turned off auto update for lobby screen. (Need to click refresh to get an updated list).
- Dust clouds updated with new improved graphics in HW1 Mission 10. Should be easier to understand safe areas.
- Kushan mothership badge fixed.
- Kushan mothership bridge glows are properly glowing.
- Many many crash fixes.
- Fixed objectives being unavailable when loading an autosave.
- Friend invites should be a bit more smooth
- Vaygr Corvettes are now included in list of ships affected by gravwell.
- Salvage no longer dies out when being transported back to ship.
- Textbox input text no longer flows outside of text box.
- Clicking portion of text in a textbox now correctly places the cursor
- Badges can now be pulled from bin:badges. Helps with issues with Steam saving unwanted badges in your profile to the cloud.
- HW1 Classic modders: /ignorebigfiles and /logfileloads parameters added to help with HW1 classic mods.
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