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Old 01-10-2008, 05:52 PM   #16
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Восклицание Re: EVE-online mod

Ну я скажу проще вам всем !
Ани подгоняют корабли под движок HW2 , и правильно делают !
Во первых ето все модеры делают так

Очень тяжело делать сходство с оригинальной игры EVE , потому что в HW2 есть свои приделы в возможностях
По поводу оружия я несильно знаю ихнею задумку ,но вот нащот размеров кораблей ето я знаю точна !
У HW2 Есть небольшой минус ,у ниго нельзя делать супер карту где бы поместился Мегашип с размером со звезду ,уже пробовали ето делать , потом слабые компьютеры начинают глючить не по детски !
Ани же ещё подгоняют все под слабые машины , не у всех же COR2DUO !

Я уже такое пробовал делать и получается ерунда полная , мало места для маневра ,и вообще этот корабль занимает пол карты ,ето не допустимо и глупа выглядит

Ани правильно делают , подгоняют суда по размерам игры HW2 !
И вообще невозможно полностью перенести все вселенную EVE в игру HW2!

Так что принимайте мод таким какой он есть и все !

Па поводу выхода мода ? Ну я вам щас скажу одну вещь интересную >
Ребята из EVE Ascension подписали соглашения с корпорацией CCP о не распространении мода публично !
Так что ребята попали в сети компании CCP , вот и она будет решать их судьбу !
вот вам ето саглошения !

Q1: Do you have permission from CCP to use their textures and models?
A1: Yes, under the condition that CCP must approve the mod before it is publicly released.

Q2: Will there be a public alpha/beta test?
A2: No, as per our agreement with CCP.

Q3: Will tanking be simulated in the mod?
A3: All ships will have a passive tank as well as their base armor resist values. The regeneration rate may be increased by nearby carriers/logistics ships (remote repairing and shield transfering.)

Q4: What will be used as the equivalent of HW2's "mothership" class?
A4: Although this decision is tentative, we will probably use the racial control towers as your base of operations, with assembly array modules being your primary construction hangars. Carriers, Motherships, and Titans will be capable of carrying pre-assembled ships and may or may not have limited construction capabilities.

Q5: Aww man it's going to be POS wars all over again, isn't it?
A5: Not exactlyl; stations will be much easier (timewise) to kill than they are in EVE. They will have far less HP than they do in EVE, in order to make the gameplay appropriate for HW2's genre.

Q6: Superweapons?
A6: Maybe.

Q7.1: Will tech 2 ships be included in the mod? What about ships introduced in Revelations?
A7.1: The initial release will include all tech 1 ships. Tech 2 ship will be added in a later release.

Q7.2: Will faction ships be included?
A7.2: Definitely in singleplayer, maybe in multiplayer/skirmish.

Q8: How will skills be handled?
A8: We will use HW2's research system as a substitute for skill training. The translation will not be direct though, as for example you will not need to train Engineering to 5 just to fit all 7 guns on your Megathron.

Q9: Will we be able to custom-fit our ships?
A9: Nope. The micromanagement involved would slow down the gameplay too much for it to be fun. The point of this mod is to preserve most of Homeworld 2's gameplay, while introducing players to the EVE universe (or giving existing EVE players something to do during downtime.) Only capital ships will have selectable weapons subsystems (rails versus blasters on a Moros, for example.)

Q10: Will drones be included?
A10: Yes, but only on a select few ships.

Q11: What about electronic warfare?
A11: We intend to include some degree of electronic warfare, primarily stasis webs and warp scrambling. Jamming will not be implemented, but dampening might.

Q12: Are you open to suggestions?
A12: Absolutely, we're always looking for "reasonable" ship setups (namely, which guns are most appropriate for a particular ship) as well as changing the game mechanics around to maximize fun and minimize headaches. Feel free to create a new thread or contribute to an existing one if your suggestion relates to the discussion.

Q13: How will resourcing work?
A13: Each race will have a mining frigate as their first tier miner, their second tier miner will be a Covetor. Resourcing yields ISK and ice (for siege modules, jump gating, etc...)

Q14: How will you organize the ships into classes?
A14: Same as they are in EVE - frigates, destroyers, cruisers, battlecruisers, etc...

Q15: I have a simple question that you forgot to put in the FAQ, where may I suggest adding it?
A15: Feel free to reply in this thread with your question, we'll provide the answer.

Q16: When will the mod be released?
A16: We can't guarantee it will be finished by a certain date, but I assure you it will get done.

Last edited by Pandorazero : 01-10-2008 at 06:15 PM.
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