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Old 08-13-2015, 11:47 PM   #15
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 29
Re: Патчи и обновления

August 13, 2015

Modder Support

Strike-groups are referenced by Name, not Index - UI 100% dynamic.
Added new UI control - Context Menu.
Ships can have more than two build queues now!
Major restructuring for Game Rules, Levels, Races, Ships, etc.
- Game Rules can filter Races/Levels.
- Campaigns can assign custom Game Rules.
- Levels now organized with a “.levels” file - loose levels ignored.
- Mods can filter content on load as well.
- Ships can load props with Game Rules override.
- Added optional DefenseShield sob to ships.

Game Setup Chat Improvements

Added shorthand whisper command “/w”.
Changed “/ignore” and “/unignore” to “/mute” and “/unmute”.
Added auto complete of player names when typing “/” commands.
Players can right-click a player name to quickly whisper, invite, and mute / unmute a player.
Added whisper received audio event.
“/” commands are better formatted while typing them in (/whisper Bob will resolve to “Bob:” when you start typing the message).
Chat color format commands will now switch to the color after they are terminated (<c=ff0000> will make the text you are typing Red while you are typing).
If a player is dropped they are now removed from the chat channel correctly.
Players now have a state in the chat screen (AFK, InLobby, InGame).
Added “/r” and “/reply” to reply to the last person who whispered you.
Backspace, right/left arrows, home key, del key now work properly in the chat edit box!
“/invite” command added.
When a player hovers over the in-chat invite, the game will highlight.
Help pop-up will be displayed above chat input box when the player types “/”.
Player list is now sorted based on state. Global Chat -> Game Lobby -> AFK -> in-game ->muted.
- Players have state icon next to their name as well.

Added settings option to disable or enable leave / join notification messages in chat.
Chat text length bumped from 128 to 200 characters.
Holding the "ALT" key and typing in a unicode character number will enter that character in text input fields (assuming that character exists in the font).

Game Setup Screen

AI players are now removed before human players when the upcoming map is smaller than the number of players in the lobby.
Fixed an issue where changing game types might not cause the first map to be re-selected, causing improper data to display for it.
Added "Random" race selection based on Race.groupings. (HW1 Random, HW2 Random).
Fixes bug where a player could click the ready button in any slot in some situations.


Game will now ignore mouse input when the game window is not in focus.
Added ability for custom ATI configurations.
Countdown for applying graphical changes now formats properly.


Fixed issue where sensors would have invisible headings and sensor blobs when UI effects were turned off.
ATI for unknown / inactive resources has it's string set to "".
Custom levels no longer download to hard drive when joining a server.
- Helps reduce problem with players swapping out an official map with a custom map that would give them an unfair advantage.

Trails fade off when a ship docks with another (Instead of just disappearing).
Defense Field Frigate FX now displays properly!
Shift-click for build cancel button will cancel the last 5 build jobs for the selected queue.
Fixed issue where a build job hitting the unit cap would stall a queue. It now promotes the first valid ship it encounters to replace the stalled ship.
In-game chat box no longer overlaps game timer.
“Player is lagging” screen has been redesigned to be much less intrusive.
In-game chat screen chat formatting overhauled to be more consistent with frontend global chat screen.
In-game chat screen supports /team and /playername shortcuts properly.
HUD elements can now be individually scaled through the settings screen!
Removed period from end of destroyer name in Italian.
Fixed missing German subtitles that could happen in HW2 Mission3.
Animatic timing issues in all languages adjusted to match English VO properly.
HW1 Mission 9 - Alien Anomaly tool tip is now translated properly.
Fixed a potential crash if mission scripting tried to dock a unit with a ship that did not exist.
“Attack Run” flight behavior now able to take weapon rotation limits into account, not always attack head-on, break with timer.
- minBreakDelay/maxBreakDelay - allow time delay for breaks, instead of distance.
- approachAngle/approachFloor - allow target position adjustment for weapon swivel (angle), based on minimum engagement distance (floor).
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